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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Swap it! Swap it good!

last week a friend of mine hosted a SWAP MEET 

a gathering at which enthusiasts or collectors trade or exchange items of common interest

she is the girl behind Mill Street Vintage . . . her store is amazing! I can't fit my left leg into anything she sells but I love to look, and even more, I love to imagine who wore these frocks and what the occasion was {this is the lifetime movie girl in me}

ok so back to the swap meet . . . she had tables and racks set up in her living room/dining room  . . . we dropped our goods off at the front door then she and her sis set it all out in an organized fashion {i brought shoes, book, frames, pillows, clothes , a print} while they organized we sat out on the patio and enjoyed a cocktail {or two} and eats!

45 minutes later the doors opened and we rushed the swap scene . . .

i came home with a frame that needs a bit of TLC, a canvas print of a little girl playing piano {i have no idea what the hell i am going to do with that} two sets of vintage bracelets for cleo bug and more books!

i realize going through the drive thru at goodwill is quicker but it's no way near as fun! thank you gina for hosting a super fun night!


  1. loved being a part of this!

  2. love my goodies but loved the girl time even more!

  3. Each day since, C has commented on something new I'm wearing. He no longer asks if I swapped it, swapped it good. He justs knows.
