Pretty Girl Designs and the very talented Crystal Kluge from Tart Workshop are teaming up for a fun giveaway just in time for the holidays . . . a rubber address stamp . . . made just for you!
To win all you need to do is post your paragraph on the Pretty Girl blog describing what you think makes a "pretty girl".
Is it her big beautiful laugh? Or her kindness to others? We want to know what you think!
Entries will be accepted through Friday, December 3. Once a winner is announced, we'll work with you to design your personalized stamp.
A Pretty Girl sparkles as much on the inside as she does on the outside. Shine on Pretty Girls!
ReplyDeleteA pretty girl is confident in who she is. It doesn't matter if it's a bad hair day or a bad fashion choice day...her inner spirit and confidence still shine through. Because she is not consumed with thoughts of herself she has lots of time to think of and care for others.
ReplyDeleteA pretty girl is true to herself. She knows she is not perfect, but yet tries everyday to be a little better. Being true is not always easy, but builds a strong character which makes her beautiful on the inside which pours out pretty on the outside.
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ReplyDeleteA pretty girl is more focused on how she appears in the eyes of those who love her than in her reflection. A pretty girl feels best represented in her child's hand-drawn crayon portrait, not a perfectly touched up "skinny" photo. A pretty girl's smile reaches all the way her eyes and her words and actions speak volumes to her character. A pretty girl is satisfied with who she is, growing, evolving, always becoming more herself. That's a pretty girl.
ReplyDeleteA pretty girl is a Mom in yoga pants dancing with her kids in the kitchen...a Grandma sharing old recipes to her grandkids at the holiday cookie bake off...the Mail-Lady bringing you a hand written card from an old friend...the Barista, at Starbucks that always remembers your order and serves it with a smile...a Little Girl who opens the door for a senior...Pretty girls are all around us and just add an extra Pretty to our hearts.
ReplyDeletePretty is getting the top score on a test, pretty is getting a not-so top score but knowing you did the best you could at that moment in time, pretty is teaching your children that Pretty knows no race, sexuality, creed, station... Pretty is letting go. Letting go of images, expectations, and what others say about you. Pretty is embracing our bodies, our minds, our mistakes. I alone own my body and thoughts, I alone love my body and my brains, not everyday... But most days... and that
ReplyDeletemy friends, is what makes me Pretty.
It's all about gratitude and forgiveness. If you embrace gratitude and forgiveness your life will be an explosion of blessings. Now, I think that's pretty pretty!
ReplyDeleteA pretty girl is true to her word, accepting of all (especially herself!), and kind to the core!
ReplyDeletea pretty girl is someone who doesn't care if she's the only mom wearing sweatpants and no makeup when dropping her kids off at school, someone who is grateful for what she has, and who can spend 5 minutes getting ready and still look and feel her best...
ReplyDeleteA pretty girl has lots of confidence.
ReplyDeleteThe right answer involves confidence, dependability, honesty and poise, but a sophisticated wool coat and the occasional application of mascara don't hurt the cause!
ReplyDeleteA pretty girl is one who thanks their server, who smiles at the ticket taker, who hugs her mom when she sees her, who cries at weddings, who writes "thank you" cards, who always says "please," who remembers her past, who laughs unabashedly, who is honest, and who is humble.
ReplyDeleteA pretty girl is full of love, for those around her, for the stranger you meet who might just need a cheery "hello" and smile, and for life in general. Gusto makes a girl glow! As a newly engaged gal (as of Thanksgiving day!), I know how much love - for my fiance, for my family, and for myself - can make a girl pretty, both inside and out.
ReplyDeletea laugh that turns heads and makes people jealous of the fun she's capable of viewing the world through. Someone you secretly wish you could be and who helps you along the way...
ReplyDelete...her manners, how she treats EVERYONE - not just the "important" people, the way her eyes sparkle when talking about her loved ones...especially children, the way she reaches out to others, whether it be a stranger, a new person at church, a neighbor, a coworker...in essence, pretty is as pretty does. The beauty that radiates from the inside always shines brightest and lasts forever.
ReplyDeleteA true pretty girl is someone who marches to beat of her own drum. She tries hard to just be herself without worrying about what everyone will think of her. A true pretty girl should learn to have a servant's heart and help others out on their way. A true pretty girl takes care of herself without forgetting those around her.
ReplyDeleteI asked my seven year old son what he thinks makes a girl pretty. He didn't miss a beat and answered "definitely a nice smile!" Yay!
ReplyDeleteA pretty girl is as wonderious as the first snow, as true as a three year old's love and as hopeful as a child's smile. She has a kind heart that is open to all. A pretty girl finds room for others while keeping true to herself.
ReplyDeleteA pretty girl is pretty whether she has on makeup or not! She wears her prettiness on the inside and in her heart. Even a beautiful woman can become ugly if she does not carry the beauty within. It begins in the inner person and grows to the outer one.
ReplyDeletePretty means being real, being true, being you. Being pretty isn't about the designer tags you wear but how you carry yourself and what's in your heart. It's how you let your light shine to those around you without fear of judgement or rejection. Beautiful women are pretty inside and out.
ReplyDeletea sense of humor and a kind heart...
ReplyDeleteA pretty girl is confident, because she knows shes the best she can be. She lets her personality shine because its the inside that matters. People are drawn to her loving heart and her cheerful attitude.
ReplyDeleteA pretty girl is defined by her heart, and her heart is visible in her eyes, loving, smiling eyes, that's a pretty girl
ReplyDeleteI’m 46 overweight and getting too old to remember if I put makeup on or not but every morning when I look in the mirror I say “Hey Good Looking” Why because I’m a Pretty Girl. It’s all in the Attitude Girls. (posted by Ann T)
ReplyDeleteA really pretty girl (pretty on inside mostly...) will buy the darn stamp. I want one--let me know$$$
ReplyDeleteA pretty girl shines from the inside out.
ReplyDeletea pretty girl is kind, loving and generous. a pretty girl can also be crazy, goofy and unpredictable.
ReplyDeleteI think a Pretty Girl has a laugh that makes people smile, a hug that warms your heart, always says Please and Thank You, and can make a smile nice even with a chipped tooth.
ReplyDeleteA pretty girl is EVERY girl!
A pretty girl is pretty because she doesnt know how pretty she really is. She puts her family first and loves life!
ReplyDeletei hope i am not too late!!! but i think that happiest girls are the prettiest girls! (as stated by the lovely and ever so beautiful Audrey Hepburn!) No matter how big, small, tall, short you are if you have a smile on your face and are determied to make the world better by being an example i think that makes you the most beautiful woman!!
ReplyDeleteConfidence and kindness - always a winning combination!
ReplyDeleteFeeling good on the inside makes you a all around wonderful person iniside and out
ReplyDeleteA pretty girl loves life and is grateful for everything she has and doesn't worry about the things she doesn't.